Diego Terze | Fine Art Photographer | ONE ON ONE
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Using photography as a medium to express an idea, a message, or an emotion.

If you’re visiting Buenos Aires and you are a street photography lover You can visit locations that are off-the-beaten-path in a full day tuition with Street Photographer Diego Terze.
This is an excellent opportunity to learn street photography while visiting some unique parts of the city. Full day workshops are tailored to your needs and skill level.

Diego starts the workshop by discussing the different ways to approach the art of street photography by helping you develop your own style, training your eye to see potential scenes in everyday life, using camera technique, light, as well as techniques to help you gain confidence while taking pictures of strangers in the street.

In order to choose a suitable date for your workshop, please contact Diego using the button below detail your photography goals and indicate potential dates to schedule the workshop.

Contact Diego

Frequently Asked Questions


How many people can attend to one on one workshops?
The purchase of this workshop allows for a maximum of two people.

How do we meet and what is the duration of the workshop?
At 10 am, Diego will be waiting for you in a meeting point previously arranged. And the workshop will be completed by 7.30 pm.

Do I need to be an experienced photographer to join?
Photographers of all levels or experience are welcome.

What kind of camera do I need?
Given that it is such a special photographic area Diego encourages the use of any kind camera, from smartphones to digital DSLRs, mirrorless cameras and of course analog.

Are workshops postponed for bad weather?
No. Diego has planned many routes for different weather conditions, even in the event of rain.

How much will we walk?
About 12 kilometers / 8,5 miles.

Is lunch included?
Yes, lunch is covered, Diego will take you for an hour lunch.

How much does the workshop cost?
USD 599.-