Diego Terze | Fine Art Photographer | GROUPS / IN COMPANY
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Using photography as a medium to express an idea, a message, or an emotion.

A seven-meeting workshop is a great way to understand the use of your camera and the behavior of forms and natural light. These practices combined with the architecture that surrounds us, new perspectives and eye training will help you develop a new set of skills and a new “way of seeing” through your camera. Searching and creating impressive images.



Our comprehensive course is the most complete and intensive option to beginning training in the field of Photography, focusing mainly on learning digital techniques, but always emphasizing the stimulation and creativity of the student to produce images with a personal brand.

The course is designed for beginners and amateurs who want to take their first steps in the world of photography, to master the technique based on the understanding of the photographic language and its expression through the production of the image.
As an excellent professional complement, the aim is to encourage the student to undertake a personal aesthetic search based on a solid handling of the camera, combining technique and art, in a dynamic, participatory and practice-focused environment.

During the course you will learn everything related to the handling and operation of the camera, the variables that intervene when taking a photograph: diaphragm, shutter speed, sensor sensitivity, and how these variables interact and combine. The light and its properties. Different types of lighting. Creative use of light. Photometry. Types of lenses, filters, color and camera flash. Basic concepts for image correction (color, saturation, contrast, brightness). We will also combine the techniques mentioned above with composition and framing instructions, for each attendee to find their creative profile and to be able to enhance it by using their camera.

The classes proposed are theoretical-practical, to facilitate learning and promote student participation. The concepts acquired are put into practice and analyzed in class. During the course, there will be photographic outings with the tutoring of the teacher. Students will be provided exercises and assignments that will help them acquire new knowledge in a practical and comprehensive way. Focusing on the photographer’s gaze, the creative process and personal exploration, seeking the creation of images that highlight each student’s personality and touch.
The first part of the classes following the outings will be dedicated to criticizing the images produced together. Each student will select 5 images to be discussed by the group.
The first part of the classes following the outings will be dedicated to criticizing the images produced together. Each student will select 5 images to be discussed by the group.

Formally, we will individually compile the images taken during the course to select the best image according to the various aspects learned during the course, at the same time an evaluation of the content will be made

14 hours in 7 non-consecutive day meetings of two hours each (in-classroom or virtual lessons) and 12 hours will be dedicated to practice (divided into three different days, four hours of practice each day).

Contact Diego

Frequently Asked Questions


Maximum attendance in group workshops?
A maximum of 14 people is accepted.

Do I need to be an experienced photographer to join?
Photographers of all experience levels are welcome.

What kind of camera do I need?
Given that Street photography is very different from other genres, Diego encourages the use any kind of camera, however digital DSLRs, mirrorless cameras and of course analog are the best options for the workshop.

Where are the classes delivered?
We will have a private classroom in one of the universities where DIego teaches.
What if the course is in company?
If the company that purchases the course has an office with a projector and enough space for 14 people available, the course could be delivered on site.
Where are the practical photos taken?
We will walk around the the City of Buenos Aires at different times of the day so as to work with different outdoor lighting situations.

Are workshops postponed for bad weather?
No. Diego plans many itineraries for different weather conditions, even in the event of rain.

How much does it cost?
USD 999.-