Diego Terze | Fine Art Photographer | TERMS AND CONDITIONS
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Eligibility: Attendees must be 18 years old or older.
The workshop does not include equipment.
Payment, cancellation and refunds: To book a place on a workshop, full payment is required.
Diego Terze shall not be held responsible for:
(1) any loss or damage due to cancellation, delay, or disruption of any kind caused by the laws, regulations, acts or failures to act, demands, orders of any government, or by acts of nature, including strikes, fire, flood, war, terrorism, sickness, theft, or any other cause(s) beyond his control.
(2) Any damage to, or loss of, property or injury to, or death of, persons occasioned directly or indirectly by an act or omission of any other provider. The participant waives any claim against Diego Terze for any such loss, damage, injury, or death.
Diego Terze reserves the right in his sole discretion to accept, decline to accept, or remove any attendee from any photography workshop. Diego Terze reserves the right, without penalty, to make changes in the itinerary whenever, in their judgement, conditions warrants, or if they deem it necessary for the comfort, convenience, or safety of participants.
You are personally responsible for being in sufficiently good health to undertake your chosen workshop.
Payment, cancellation and refunds: Once the course date has been confirmed, full payment will be required to guarantee the reservation.
If you cannot or choose not to attend with an advance notice greater than 45 days from the beginning of the workshop, 100% of the money will be refunded less an administrative fee of USD 50.-
With an advance of between 45 and 30 days from the beginning of the workshop, 70% of the money will be refunded less an administrative fee of USD 50.-
With an advance of between 30 and 15 days from the beginning of the workshop, 50% of the money will be refunded less an administrative fee of USD 50.-
If notice is given within the 15 days prior to the workshop, no refund will be made.